Safety Study Evaluation of Herbo-metallic Nanodrugs in Carcinogenesis Model
Volume 9 | Issue 2 | June 2023
Mousumi Namasudra, Samiran Mondal, Samiran Bandyopadhyay, Prasanta Sarkar, Rabindranath Hansda, Saktipada Pradhan, Sunit Kumar Mukhopadhayay


Since ancient times, mineral-based treatments have been frequently employed as anti-carcinogenic agents. However, due to a lack of safety research on the usage of this kinds of herbal drugs, caused hindrance in its wider applicability. Although they are proven to be anti-carcinogenic agent and could precisely be effective in cancer treatment. Rasa manikya and Rasa sindhura are herbo-metallic nanodrugs enriched with arsenic and mercurial product. These are anti-carcinogen used as a major mineral ingredient in traditional pharmaceutical science of rasa Shastra. To harness the application of rasa manikya and rasa sindhura the present investigation was taken up to assess the safety and efficacy of the drugs against skin cancer in Balb/C mice and data were obtained by functional observational battery (FOB), haematological and serum enzyme analysis from the experimental animal for 16 weeks observation period. Both the herbometallic drugs in their nanoform were proven to be effective as anti-carcinogenic agent and maximum efficacy dose for rasamanikya and rasa sindhura was found to be 10 mg/kg body weight in this experiment.

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How to cite this article:
Corresponding author’s email ID: vetsamiran@gmail.com
Citation: Namasudra M, Mondal S, Bandopadhyopadhyay S, Sarkar P, Hansda R, Pradhan S, Mukhopadhayay SK. Safety Study Evaluation of Herbo-metallic Nanodrugs in Carcinogenesis Model. Indian Journal of Veterinary Public Health. 2023; 9(2): 53-62.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.62418/ijvph.9.2.2023.53-62