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Scope of the Journal

Indian Journal of Veterinary Public Health rapidly publishes original research articles, systematic reviews, meta-analyses, mini-reviews, case reports/case series, short communications, and invited editorials. The subject area covered by the journal includes but is not limited to Veterinary Sciences, One Health, Medical and Allied Sciences, Public Health, Fishery Sciences, Dairy Technology, Environmental Sciences, and Food Science and Technology with special emphasis on Public Health, Microbiology, Parasitology, Pathology, food safety, food hygiene, health policy, etc. An original research article covers the results of the primary research with a precise description of the methodology so that it can be reproduced in other laboratories and a clear interpretation of the work, which has not been published elsewhere. A systematic review covers all available empirical research by using clearly defined, systematic methods to receive answers to a specific research question.  A meta-analysis is a statistical process of analyzing and combining results from several similar studies.  A mini-review is a short summary of recent research insights in a specific area. A short communication is intended to communicate novel ideas and results in new and developing areas of veterinary, animal, and fishery sciences, but is limited in the level of performed investigations and is thus insufficient to fulfill the requirements of a full paper. A case report is a detailed account of a human or animal patient’s diagnosis, treatment, and response to treatment. A case series is a group of case reports that involve patients who received similar treatment. An invited editorial is a comment on a research topic that is written at the request of the editor.


Copyright for articles published in this Indian Journal of Veterinary Public Health is retained by the authors, with first publication rights granted to the journal. By virtue of their appearance in this open access journal, articles are free to use, with proper attribution, in educational and other non-commercial settings. Articles are published under the CC BY NC license and by submitting their article, authors agree to use of this license. https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/

About the Journal

‘Sustainable Development Goals’ (SDG) declared by the United Nations in 2015 aimed to ‘Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages’ for which rigorous and continuous support from scientific societies and academics is necessary. Since 1997, the Association of Public Health Veterinarians (APHV) (https://aphv.org.in/) has been working to the dissemination of knowledge of zoonoses and emerging diseases in humans and animals amongst medical and veterinary professionals and to increase mass awareness, especially among school/college students on different facets of health-related issues in the community for their healthy and productive life. Moreover, the Association appropriated an initiative to disseminate scientific knowledge among academics, students or research scholars, and human and livestock practitioners through publishing in the Indian Journal of Veterinary Public health (Print ISSN: 0976-948X) since 2010.
Indian Journal of Veterinary Public Health (IJVPH) is an international, open-access (https://creativecommons.org/about/open-access/), peer-reviewed journal published biannually in English language. The journal allows the contributors free access to its contents and permits authors to self-archive the final accepted version of the articles. There is no submission fee or article processing charge. The association has been publishing the online version of the journal since 2022 with a ‘doi’ number for each published article. The subject area covered by the journal includes but is not limited to Veterinary Sciences, One Health, Medical and Allied Sciences, Public Health, Fishery Sciences, Dairy Technology, Environmental Sciences, and Food Science and Technology. The journal provides rapid publication of original articles, mini-reviews, systematic reviews, meta-analyses, case reports, short communications and invited editorials. 

Best Paper Award

Smt. Debala Naskar Best Paper Award for IJVPH is awarded annually to honor the authors of the best paper published in the journal in the previous year. The best paper published in IJVPH will be selected based on reviewer reports, citation and download statistics, comments of the expert committee on how the published paper contributed scientifically to the priority areas covered under the scope of the journal. The winning paper will be announced in an editorial note.

Best Reviewer Award

Dr. Asit Kumar Majhi memorial best Reviewer Award is an award given to recognize outstanding reviewers who have made significant contributions to the journal by providing high-quality reviews. The award is typically given annually and is based on number of reviews completed, quality and thoroughness of reviews, timeliness of review completion, feedback from authors and editors.

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