A Study on Detection of In-vitro Pathogenicity of Verotoxic E. coli Isolates using Congo Red Binding Assay
Volume 10 | Issue 1 | June 2024
Usha Bais, Udit Jain, Gourab Basak, Parul, Barkha Sharma, Vikas Pathak, Rashmi Singh


E. coli is such a commensal microbe which is the major part of normal aerobic microbial population of humans, and warm-blooded animals’ intestines. Being a major indicator of faecal contamination, the verotoxic strains of E. coli even leads to fatal diseases like haemolytic uraemic syndrome, haemorrhagic colitis, and thrombocytic thrombocytopaenic purpura. At the same time, alongside the domestic animals, companion animals like dogs, and cats are the common choices of pets in households. As a result, the present study was conducted to identify the virulent, and non-virulent strains of E. coli from a total of 69 previously obtained PCR confirmed VTEC isolates, screened from faeces of dogs, and cats, and some environmental sources using Congo Red (CR) dye binding assay. The assay resulted in 86.95% of the isolates as positive responders for the assay. This study hence, inferred the concern towards increasing trend of verotoxic E. coli (as much higher rate of positivity has been detected in the study); for which implementation of proper prevention, and control measures are required to arrest further contraction of the same among public as well as in animals.

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How to cite this article:
Corresponding author’s email ID: druditjain1974@gmail.com
Citation: Bais U, Jain U, Basak G, Parul, Sharma B , Pathak V and Singh R. A Study on Detection of In-vitro Pathogenicity of Verotoxic E. coli isolates using Congo Red Binding Assay. Indian Journal of Veterinary Public Health. 2024; 10(1): 39-42.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.62418/ijvph.10.1.2024.39-42